
Elon Musk Special government employee Cut humanitarian aid America first Take down U.S.A.I.D web site Reduce thousands of employees to a few Call them Communist Waste Fraud Abuse Kill the children Let the food rot Cruelty, the moniker they wear on their chest

Walking the river

So, I started out this morning thinking about the fact that I am a writer that no one recognizes as such; walking toward the abyss unrecognized, feeling like no one cares. And my thoughts start thinking about death, that the mind can’t exist without the body, and vice versa; so, when the body dies, so does the mind, and then […]

A sad day

It is a sad day in America. I can’t tell you what a sad day it is, but I will. Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, who incited an insurrection and not held accountable, is now the president again. I remember when I was younger and the F.B.I came to my law office to inform me that […]

What have you done, Joe?

The rot not only comes from Donald Trump; it comes from democrats too. White House insiders shielded Joe Biden from the public knowing he was unfit to serve a second term. “The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in the stars but in ourselves.”[1] What have you done, Joe? What have you done? A risk taker, rolling the dice on the […]


Empires do not die easily; they die hard. I am talking about the US. support for Israel committing genocide in Gaza; the atrocities Israel commits do not matter, the US. will be by its side against the world that regards it a pariah state bent on destruction of the Palestinian people. Democrats think Donald Trump is a fascist and will […]

Alea iatca est

Before ‘Crossing the Rubicon’ in 49 BC, Julius Caesar said, “Alea iacta est”; on January 6, 2020, Donald J. Trump said, “’If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore”, his speech incited an insurrection on the steps of the Capital that shook the foundation of the government he took an oath to protect and […]

If I lose

If I lose, I win. That’s Donald Trump, and he will lose, so he wins. He anticipates the outcome and changes the results. That’s him, Donald Trump; the debate is a forgone conclusion; Harris will kill his ass, that’s why he says, If I lose, I win. It’s Donald Trump all over again.   

The Gardener

Joe Biden sounded angry and strident last night at the democratic convention in Chicago. Joe Biden is angry but not at the republicans, he is angry at the people who forced him to quit the race for the presidency, he still does not speak to Nancy Pelosi. The truth is Joe Biden is too old to be president, so is […]

Indispensable Men

Joe, it is time to give it up; your debate performance was not a one-off; it was evidence of a person in mental decline. It was your idea to debate Donald Trump early in the campaign, thinking your performance would give you a boost; the polls showed you a little behind. You came back from Europe and spent the next […]

The Bald Spot

What I saw was a huge bald spot on the back of Trump’s head, as the Secret Service carried him into an SUV, to protect him from a would-be assassin. The assassination attempt disrupted Trump’s routine, including the ways he combs his hair to conceal his bald spots. It is a metaphor for the man himself, he hides things to […]

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